Posts Tagged ‘ burger ’

I had something big in my mouth: KFC Tower

This is Lelaina. I make the other half of the food porn writing duo. I put the risque in risquefood.  I go around eating with my FB (food buddy) named V.
For this entry, I explore the fast food, the quickies.



It’s the it thing nowadays that fastfood chains are coming up with items on their menu, that are deemed to be epic and possibly food death inducing. Wendy’s came out with at least 3 variants of their Baconator. KFC came out with Double Down, and only recently, the Tower.
The tallest “burger” on their menu, it has the original recipe fillet, hash browns with lettuce, mayo and cheese in between the kaiser buns.
It is indeed a mouthful.  I skipped the mayo on mine since I don’t really care much for it. At first bite, depending on how much you can take in one ( I can take a lot… ), you’d get the saltiness of the chicken, the crunch of the hash brown and a refreshing taste from the lettuce.  V suggested that a Zinger patty would have been better, to which I agree. The hotness would only add to the feeling that something as “epic” should be forbidden.
I enjoyed my Tower with a tower at Sogo.  I was able to eat mine al fresco, and it added to the experience. It is a nice coincidence that KFC and Sogo share the “so good” marketing tagline
The Tower + al fresco dining + a tower+ Pinoy rom-com= sogood.
KFC Tower: PHP 110 ala carte
                         PHP 140 with drink